1.We must be injected with antibiotics for our protection.
为预防起见, 我们都必须注射抗生素。
2.This new type of infection is resistant to antibiotics.
3.Surgical debride and antibiotics therapy post operatively were taken in 53 cases.
4.Antibiotics is effective to cure throat infection.
5.Antibiotics should kill off the bacteria.
6.Fucidin shows no cross-resistance to any other antibiotic agent used in clinical practice.
思丁与临床使用的其它抗药物之间无交 耐药性。
7.Therefore, carbenicillin was the preferable choice of the two tested antibiotics for Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of tall fescue.
8.Age, period of mechanical ventilator, nasogastric feeding, use of antiacid and antibiotics were related to the development with VAP.
9.The antibiotics susceptibi1ity test revealed that methicillin-resislant Staphylococcus aureus was multiresistant and only susceptible to vancotmycin, rifampin and fusidin.
10.Drug-resistance of pathogenic bacteria resulting from antibiotics abusage in recent several decades has done great threaten to human health.
11.Fluorapatite was prepared by adopting double decomposition method, and the properties were characterized by XRD, XPS and antibiotic testing.
12.OBJECTIVE: To introduce the research and development of systematic antifungal drugs such as imidazole,triazole,allylamine,antibiotic etc.and the marketing trend.
13.While all antibiotics will affect the gut flora of a guinea pig, some are deadly and can cause a fatal enterotoxemia.
14.To this, dissuasive this kind of patient should comply with the doctor is directive, do not take antibiotic therapy by oneself.
15.Broad spectrum antibiotics. Effective in gram positive and gram negitive bacteria. Mainly used in the infections such sa pyocyanic, staphylococcic and colibcillus.
16.You can now get tested for STDs by post.A positive result will lead to the prescription of free antibiotics or anti-viral medication.
The STI Clinic was created to provide an alternative to visiting a GUM clinic for STD tests for Chlamydia, Herpes and Gonorrhoea.
17.With the increasing of drug resistance bacteria,antibiotics have not achieved ideal therapeutic efficacy,phagotherapy is attracting more attention from people as a new therapeutic method.
18.New-model antibiotic, medicine for healing high blood pressure and inflammation can be prepared from m-fluorotoluene, it is also an important intermediate for punchy soporific.
19.Mycotic keratltis is a chronic infective keratomycosis with high blindness rates. it spread fast with the wide uses of the broad-spectrum antibiotics and cortical steroids.
20.Yiwei Fungin is a sort of antibiotic of anti-parasite, which prevent any sort of health-affecting and production performance from the parasite inside and outside by using low dosage.