2.Imports of household appliances rose last month.
3.Widely used insecurity door, coopery, enamel, office supplie, automobile and household electrical appliance,etc.
4.It is an ideal supporting power source for domestic appliance,small industrial equip-ment,armarium and office equipment etc.
5.With the progressing of modernization of life, omnifarious home appliances are joined with electric in every moment.
6.12 patients were treated with bonded RME appliance to expanse the maxillary arches and with vertical pull chincap to augment anchorage.
通过对 12 例患者在扩弓及内收切牙时应牙弓夹板式扩弓矫治器及高位牵引的头帽颏兜加强支抗。
7.Insulance Ohmmeter, Model ZC25, can be used to measure insulation resistance of various electrical machinery, telecommunication element, household appliances and teaching electrical equipment.
8.Suitable for skeletonless and special-shaped coils, and widely applied for special electric motor, electrical appliance, apparatus, color TV deflection coil and civil electrical appliance products.
9.Cai sunlighting peak tells a reporter, he is in Fair of first net goods is photogenic medium business of acting industry of head of two home appliance.
10.FPC series is a carbon film resistor with complete nonflame insulated coating, does not burn in outside flaming or inside overloading, thus ensures the safety of electronic appliances.