Evergreen ornamental and timber conifer (Araucaria araucana) of the family Araucariaceae, native to the Andes Mountains of South America.
洋杉科常绿乔木,学名为Araucaria araucana。可供观赏和材用,原产
Evergreen ornamental and timber conifer (Araucaria araucana) of the family Araucariaceae, native to the Andes Mountains of South America.
洋杉科常绿乔木,学名为Araucaria araucana。可供观赏和材用,原产
Abstract : Wollemia nobilis is a monotypic genus in Araucariaceae and one of the oldest living fossil plants in the earth.
摘要 : 瓦勒迈松是洋杉科单型属植物,是目前地球上最古老的“活化石”植物之一。