4.He wove a fascinating tale of knights in shining armour.
5.The armour protection is tuneable by the replacement of armour packs within the vehicle's external skin.
6.My car broke down at the roundabout. Luckily, a knight in shining armour stopped to help me.
7.Milanese commanders value these crossbowmen highly, thus they equip them with brigandine armour and the large Pavise-style shield.
8.The one chink in her armour is the lack of a sense of humour. She hates people laughing at her.
9.9 see joke: Some armour is blackguardly, all day faineant, cheat a meal to eat everywhere.One day, he sees a someone handles funeral arrangement, run into mourning hall to cry greatly.
10.The character has access to whatever he or she needs on a daily basis, although large expenditures (a bejewelled suit of armour, a longship, a gala ball, entertaining the king, etc.) should be rare.