1.The donkey is a domesticated form of the African wild ass.
2."Don't stand there, you silly ass!"
3.For a Manila cheroot and the price of a drink he will suck any Hindu's ass.
4.I never did like to do anything simple when I could do it ass-backwards.
5.TITANIA My Oberon! What visions have I seen! Methought I was enamour'd of an ass.
6.The less common cross of a female ass and a male horse is called a hinny.
7.That candidate is an ass in a lion's skin, he would never have the courage to stand up for any cause.
那个候选人是个说大话的懦夫, 他决不会有胆量为任何事业挺身而出。
8.When hunting perverted ghosts, blondes make good bait and iron knives make good weapons—but watch out for the blonde's mother or she'll whup your ass.