1.He went ballistic when I told him about the accident.
2.Type 190 Ballistics Longitude-Latitude Photographic Plate (BLL, photoplate) is dedicated for night photography of luminous ballistics of conventional or strategical arms.
3.According to the researchers, "brava" and "Topol-M" intercontinental ballistic missile will be the future of Russia's strategic nuclear forces, the main body.
4.By means of ballistic pulsimeter operation of recent years, the relative wealth of experimence is accumulated. The better effect in bearing failure detection is obtained simultaneously.
5.The Russians remain implacably opposed to letting Bush build a ground-based mid-course interceptor—the GBI—base in Poland to try to shoot down any future Iranian intercontinental ballistic missiles.
6.The process beginnng from powder burning to the ejection pistons pushing out the bomb and its moving back was analyzed applying classical interior ballistics and gasdynamics theory.