Yogi Bhajan gave us a practice for the Aquarian Age, which calls on those inner virtues.
Yogi Bhajan 给了我们宝瓶年代实践,唤醒内在德行。
Yogi Bhajan gave us a practice for the Aquarian Age, which calls on those inner virtues.
Yogi Bhajan 给了我们宝瓶年代实践,唤醒内在德行。
One of the many blessings in the community of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan® is the love of discipline that allows us to awaken, expand and refine our awareness.
在Yogi Bhajan 派系Kundalini Yoga团体里, 众多祝福里其中一个是, 让我们覚醒,扩展和提炼我们覚知。