1.Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are binary operations.
2.The binary system of numbers is used in digital computers.
3.Using binary notation is in fact just manipulating ones and noughts.
4.The BII file is a binary file that is efficiently written and read into RADAN.
在天地互连文件是一个进文件,有效地书写和阅读到RADAN 。
5.Computers operate using binary numbers.
6.The Salamanders Chapter hails from a binary planetary system in the western reaches of the Ultima Segmentum.
7.In binary synchronous communication, the use of clock pulses to control synchron ization of data and control characters.
8.The binary solid-liquid equilibrium phase diagram for fluorene and 2-methyl-diphenylene oxide is analyzed according to the experimental results.
9.The polyester or copolyester can be converted into dimethyl terephthalate of binary acid and glycol by method of methanolysis.
10.The concept of in-place quicksort binary tree has great theoretical and practical reference value to the research and improvement of sorting algorithm.
11.) would expand the terminology to include byte (usually an 8-digit binary number) and even nybble (half a byte, or 4 binary digits).
12.To the pulsars in binaries, as the conditions are different, both of the deconfinement and the reconfinement of quark matters may take place.
13.In the architecture, multi-function proc essing elements are arranged on the lowest layer of the binary tree and the adde r tree can be split into two sub-trees.
14.In this method, the sine, cosine signal is converted by three line autosyn and its output is a binary code based on AD2S83.The measurement datum can be read and displayed by computer.
15.By continuously repeating the structure of binary opposition of joy and ennui, Cat in the Rain conveys that gender means the incommunicability between the American couple and the death of their love.