2.Voiding cystourethrography demonstrated a dog-ear bladder herniation into the right scrotum.
3.ObjectiveTo explore the efficacy and safety of sacral neuromodulation(SNM) for the treatment to neurogenic bladder.
4.A series of studies including intravenous urography, cystoscopic examination, and computed tomography revealed a large bladder tumor.
5.Most of the patients had haematuria and irritable bladder symptoms, the proper treatment were partial and total cystectomy.
6.Abstract: Objective To evaluate bladder encapsulation with sigmoid muscular flap for the treatment of detrusor underactivity.
摘 要: 绍一种治疗逼尿肌收缩无力新术式--乙状结肠肌瓣包术。
7.Objective:To investigate the method and results of free prepuce infrabasal or bladder mucosa in the treatment of hypospadias.
8.This intravenous pyelogram (IVP) of a normal urinary tract on the left demonstrates contrast filling the pelvis, ureter, and bladder.
9.Objective To explore the quality of life of bladder tumor patients after ileal cystoplasty and orthotopic reconstruction of bladder with ileum.
10.Note the abrupt transition (arrows) from urothelium to intestinal-type epithelium in this example of intestinal metaplasia seen in a bladder biopsy.
11.Left nephroureterectomy with resection of bladder cuff was done and pathology revealed a hamartomatous polyp with renal stone in the lower calyx.
12.Pseudomembranous trigonitis usually inoles trigone and bladder neck.It may represent a normal histologic ariant and is not associated with increased risk for carcinoma.
13.Conclusion There is different effect in recovery of enteric function, the time of lactation and bladder function after Cesarean section with different paregoric methods.
14.Methods 103 cases with bladder neoplasm in trigonum vesicae or cervix vesicae were detected and were divided into stages by transrectal ultrasound and transadominal ultrasound.
15.Method A new procedure low sigmental-cystectmy which includes resection of the trigone of bladder, prostate, vesicula seminalis, extremity of ureter, was performed on 8 patients aged 28 to 57 years.