3.The camels were going well and behaving like lambs.
这些骆顺利前进, 而且行温顺。
4.Caravansary greatly increases trade, and allows the recruitment of elite camel cavalry.
5.He was a wizard with camels.
6.The camel has a game leg.
7.A camel is an endurant animal.
8.Then I came to the "Camel HilI", which is exactly like a camel.
9.When fresh food and water are not available, the camel can feed off its hump.
在得不到新鲜食和水的候, 骆可以消耗它肉峰内储存的脂肪维持生命。
10.A characteristic of the camel is its ability to live for a long time without water.
11.This species provides forage in desert and semidesert areas; sheep and camels eat the annual branches.
12.A galloping horse falls down when it's running to the destination, while the cameleer and the camel reaches it slowly.
13.Abstract: Glandular saccus regions in proventriculus of 8 Bactrian camels from Nei Monggol Autonomous Region were studied on histology, histochemistry and electron microscopy.
14.Flying acrobats and a lone beribboned female dancer recalled the grottos of Dunhuang, painted in the Wei and Tang dynasties when camel caravans plied the Silk Road.
15.From the back looked just like is a camelback, this gigantic incomparable camel, is remembers specially for the eminent monk ultra transports by pack animal the Confucian classics.
16.It receives its name from the echoing Shhhh that the sand makes as you step on its surface.Visitors here can try camel rides, can parasail, can slide the dunes or simply build sand castles.