1.My father hit the ceiling when I damaged the car.
我把车弄坏, 可把我爸爸气坏了。
2.A lamp was suspended from the ceiling.
3.The ceiling tiles help to insulate a room.
4.The ceiling was so low that the patrol was flown contact.
云层很低, 巡逻机只好进行目视飞行。
5.The workman patched the ceiling.
6.The advisory committee did not apply for a general increase in the ceiling.
7.The water dribbled from the ceiling.
8.A fly is on the ceiling.
9.Contractors were able to remove a large ceiling soffit that also had divided the space.
10.The ceiling of the tunnel was so low that we had to crawl along on all fours.
11.Because taunt is resistable and timing is subject to errors, however, encountering the aggro ceiling effect is a definite possibility.
12.The factory specializes in manufacturing lamp ornaments and metalware components (including ceiling lamp, hanging lamp, table lamp, and bedlamp etc. five catalogues).
14.Its Hard products is widely used as electric stove hearth sets in lab and wall,suspend ceiling brick,hollow brick,fire bulkhead muffle board,hot dozzle,nozzle etc.
15.He has a low ceiling of tolerance.
16.The economic development of Wenshou encountered a series of " negative ceiling effect" for the last years and needs to develop a new model.
17.Ceilings and walls meet at unexpected angles, and the doors have been rehung and in some cases reshaped to fit twisting and sagging frames.
18.That can be used for partition wall, outer wall hanging the board, ceiling, scaleboard of the wall, compound board of the wall, the laieing of the house.
19.For blower fan coil,adopting local drop ceiling when they are setting with new wind,but adopting a manner of katabatic wind when they arn’t setting with new wind.
20.The utility model discloses a fanhead of a fanner which is used as the fanhead of a ceiling fan, a desk fan, a floor fan and a wall fan.