1.This paper analyses the influence coefficient of reasonable crude proration plan in Gudong Oilfield.
2.The Determination of Cyclopenthiazide by using the ratio absorption coefficient in UV-spectrophotometer was studied.
3.Abstract:The structural influencing coefficient includes ductility reduction factor and overstrength factor.
4.In the podzol profile the coefficients reflected the marked horizon differentiation.
5.The effective diffusion coefficient and rate constant of intraparticle transport were calculated.
6.To establish coefficient multiplying ratio spectrophotometry for determination of pyramidon andcaffeinein naoning tablet .
7.A simplified model based on drag concepts is developed to evaluate the roughness coefficient for unsubmerged vegetation.
8.CPC injectability coefficient reached to 95% with lowest consistency when HPMC increased to 2%.
9.Methods of testing China uplands cotton fibre fineness and maturity coefficient rapidly by constant pressure airometer is discussed.
10.The granulometer error can be corrected through calculating an integrated light energy distribution coefficient matrix.
11.It is an important problem to indicate the maximum displacement coefficient ingear slotting tool design process.
12.Dependance of green absorption coefficients on growth atmosphere and source rod concentration has been symmetrically investigated.
13.The reluctivity matrix is obtained by using the trigonometric function transformation and the form of coefficient matrix is simplified.
该方法适于任意阶多项式描述磁化曲线的非线性谐波电磁场问 题的求解,并提高了计算的精。
14.96 quantisation parameter: A variable used by the decoding process for scaling of transform coefficient levels.
15.It also put forward the connectible coefficient to simplify the description of the network, especially whose connection property changed frequently.
16.The algorithm constructs matrixes by using covariation or covariation coefficient and estimates bearing and range of near-field sources by rooting method.
17.Studies were made on the vegetative propagation coefficient and cormel's biological characters using eighth-excision in different development phase of Lycoris radiate.
18.Erbium ions concentration is obtained by the information of measured coefficients along with modeling of double-pass backward (DPB) superfluorescent fiber source (SFS).
19.The cluster analysis method of karyotype resemblance-near coefficient was used to study the relationship and evolution of seven species in the genus Kerria.
20.The standardized regression coefficient has been a common tool for assessing the effect, predictive power or explanative power of an independent variable (IV).