1.In the PC world, archiving and compression usually happen together by using utilities such as PKZIP.
2.Inspection equipment for producing pressure containers, such as tensile ,compression and universal testing machine ,impact machine ,X-ray defectoscope.
3.From the correlation with foreland basins abroad it is concluded that Sichuan basin resulted from Polydirectional compression stress.
4.Manipuility: South the pine lumber always is needs to carry on the compression treated timber the ideal tree seed.
5.In fact the level of compression created within a regular pulsejet engine is very low, even by automobile standards.
6.Objective:To find a safe, impactful and economical nonoperative treatment in treatmen of thoracic and lumbar compression fracture.
7.The number of screws in the area of the joint depends solely on the object of refixation with interfragmentary compression.
8.Conclusion:The treatment of acupotome can obviously relieve the thebrachial plexus upper trunk of brachiplexnerve compression on scalenus and levator scapula...
9.Straw, a kind of natural biodegradable material, was used as reinforced fibers for preparing nonrecurring biodegradable flowerpots by compression molding technology.
10.Applies the algorithm defined by JPEG standard to digital compression of ultrasonic televiewer images according to the features of logging image.
11.A compression moulded part, which has nut inserts and flanges at both ends, is difficult to demould and set in the inserts.
12.Besides, by using the active biasing circuit (linearizer) for the gate of the FET, the 1dB compression point (CP1dB) can be extended.
13.Based on polytrophic process of air compression and isothermal gas combustion inside the turbine, an improved gas turbine with generality Carnot cycle is suggested.
14.Methods 88 patients suffered severe open fractures associated with soft tissue crush injuries of the lower leg were treated with monolateral dynamic compression fixator.
15.Stress shielding effect of the trihedral fix trough plate,trapezoid compression plate and Tianjin compression plate on the long bone measured with the electrical measuring method.
16.The main factor of spring back density is prepressing pressure, next are compression time and compression number of times.The effect of moisture content was not significant.
17.In the compression moulding technology, preheat and prepressing procedures are added to improve the flowability of the bond and physical and mechanical properties of the product.
18.During two cooling methods, whether tension stress or compression stress, the retained austenite in steel reduced with stress increasing, had become from massive to streak or filminess.
19.The illinium electrode produces a slim arc when used in welding.With a high level of compression, it has a bigger melting depth in medium and high currents.
20.Noncryogenic methods of air separation contain some of the same unit processes such as compression and clean-up, but differ in the fundamental technology to separate air into its components.