2.In the confusion her departure passed unnoticed.
3.To avoid confusion, the teams wore different colours.
4.In the ensuing confusion another eight persons were hurt.
在随后的骚动中, 又有八人受伤。
5.When the government policies are expressed imprecisely, confusion results.
6.Neurologic symptoms of hypermagnesemia are muscular weakness, paralysis, ataxia, drowsiness, and confusion.
7.A hand grenade exploded by accident and I got lost in the ensuing confusion.
8.Confusion betrays the guilty.
慌张显出有罪, 神色慌张必有鬼。
9.Prosopagnosia is a kind of amazing face process confusion.Patients can t recognize those who they are familar with,even their relatives and chummy.
10.Variants are the result of the usual scribal errors, misreadings and the confusion of marginal glosses with portions of the text proper.
11.It is a more important effect that the electromagnetic pollution may accelerate germ plasm aberrance.It leads to the confusion of biothythm and illness.
12.But, we are afraid, these skeletonize graphs may make popular feeling irritated, the judgement that and throw into confusion some former perfecting is decision-making.
13.The French “Macedoine” salad could be the big exception: it is a mixed fruit salad that some say was named after the ethnic confusion in Macedonia 100 years ago.