3.There are some programming errors that need correction.
4.The composition was scored with corrections in red ink.
5.The teacher interlined corrections on the student's themes.
在学生作文的字里间, 教师加进修改的文字。
6.Do not forget to keep the subject within the parallax correction mark.
7.I checked the typing for errors and sent it back for correction.
8.The correction of composition took a large part of the teacher's time.
9.I'm speaking under correction.
10.The relative mass correction factors of methyl alcohol, glycide, glycerol, and glycerol carbonate with different concentrations were investigated.
11.Based on isostasy principle, this paper made out a correction method for the calculation of disconformity erosion amount.
12.Adopt gyral zero-finding technology to ensure the correction of detected part and avoid the。dislocation resulted from the stepout of direct drive.
13.Using a potential model with relativistic correction we evaluated the spectrum, le-pton decay widths and radiative transition widths of heavy quarkonium systems.
14.Solon attach importance to the question of misexplain in“Shuowen Jiezi”, the correction, ascends to make up, the discussion writings of very many.
15.The fading correction and its corresponding calculation method were specially introduced in this paper for improving the accuracy of the environment cumulate kerma.
16.Methods Surgical procedures included removal of cranlai hema toma, contusive and necrotic brain tissues, correction of cranio?orbital defor mity,and repair of dure mater.
17.A mathematical model of tide zoning correction is proposed.Based on the computational model, a new tidal correction mode using single suppositive grid tide station is designed.
18.Corrections for chemiluminescence were also applied as needed but were minimized by the use of the luminescence suppressing cocktail Aquagel and dark equilibration of samples prior to counting.
19.Conclusions The facial appearance is improved by the above operations in cases who have worn artificial eye a long time, particularly the insertion of Medpor for correction of lower lid chalasis.