1.This motorcyclist who is motorial is cycling in the motordrome.
2.Cycling enjoyed a vogue at the end of the nineteenth century.
19 世纪末曾风一时。
3.I suggested a cycling holiday, and he seized on the idea.
我提议出外度假, 他采纳了这个意见。
4.She was hot and breathless from the exertion of cycling uphill.
由于用力爬坡,她浑身发热, 喘不过气来。
5.A cycling holiday would be too much for an unfit person like me.
6.I was cycling way too fast.
7.In conclusion, the universe is a spontaneous, contradictive, orderly cycling field of force causa sui.
8.Based on the thermojunction assignment test, actual thermal cycling curve of welded seam heat-affected zone is obtained.
9.Agricultural pollution has a tridimension character of the complicated cycling system composed of water, soil, biosystem and atmosphere.
10.The electric fields of square electric pulse were applied as cycling fields to investigate the fatigue of the antiferroelectrics.
11.A tragedy marred the 1960 cycling competition when Danish cyclist Knur Jensen collapsed and died during the road race.
12.Methods Eight hundred metres fast walking on a flat ground and semisupine cycling exercise test were performed in 18 patients randomly programmed to VVIR or VVI pacing mode and compared.