1.There can be no differentiation without contrast.
2.The differentiation of its sporophore is bud—stipe—pileus differentiation—pileus mature—spore scatter.
3.Acropetal differentiation of the cambium layer continues as the primary root elongates.
4.Sebaceoma (sebaceous epithelioma) is an uncommon cutaneous adnexal tumor with differentiation toward sebaceous unit.
5.The Weizi gold deposit has close relation to An-bearing siliconite formed by metamorphic differentiation.
6.Both water and ethanol extracts of RMR had inhibitory effects on 3T3-L1 preadipocyte proliferation and differentiation.
7.It facilitating the growth of stem cells of marrow hemopoiesis, largely increase the amount of monocells, promoting its particle differentiation.
8.Chloridion participated in various kinds of biological function, such as cellular immunologic response , cell migration, cellular proliferation and differentiation, apoptosis.
9.Synergistic effect of Schwann cells and retinoic acid on the neuronal differentiation and synaptogenesis of hippocampal neural stem cells in vitro.
10.The central nervous systeM consisted of brain, suboesophageal ganglion and ventral nerve-cord, and the differentiations aMong protocerebruM, deutocerebruM and tritocerebruM were obvious.
11.These cells began to devise, then developed into aloin cells through enlargement of volume and vacuolization with the differentiation of metaphloem and metaxylem.
12.In the podzol profile the coefficients reflected the marked horizon differentiation.
13.Heteranthery exists in several angiosperm families, such as Melastomataceae, Solanaceae, Lythraceae, Leguminosae and Pontederiaceae, but the aspects and extent of differentiation often vary in taxa.
14.Heteranthery exists in several angiosperm families, such as Melastomataceae, Solanaceae, Lytbraceae, Leguminosae and Pontederiaceae, but the aspects and extent of differentiation often vary in taxa.
15.The expression of interleukin-5 (IL-5) has been correlated with the maturation and differentiation of eosinophils, and is considered to be a cytokine responsible for allergic inflammation.
IL-5与嗜酸性粒细的成熟和密切相关, 是过敏性炎症发生过程中的关键细因子。
16.OBJECTIVE To observe the effects of fetal bovine serum (FBS) and artificial perilymph (APL) on the differentiation of neural stem cells from newborn fetal guinea pigs.
17.A relatively direct method is expounded in this paper to prove the termwise differentiation of power series, and a simple method is expressed to calculate the Fourier coefficient.
18.The midgut gland cell differentiation occurs at Z2, There are 4 types of cells, i. e., embryonic cell (E-cell), fibrillar cell (F-cell), blister cell (B-cell) and resorptive cell(R-cell).
19.Conclusions Flutamide can cut down the secretory volume of T to block the sexual differentiation and development by the venenous harm on cellular organ and the restrained activity of key enzyme.
20.The bond fund's differentiation will also enable the investor to seek fiery clearly to the investment trends, the national debt market also causes the market expectability future rate cut trend.