2.This restaurant has definitely gone downhill since I last came here.
3.It’s all downhill from here. We’ll soon be finished.
4.The hardest part of the task is over and the rest is downhill.
5.Six-character numeric passwords are dismayingly common, and the examples only go downhill from there.
6.The train rocketed downhill.
7.Is Western society going downhill?
8.Heading away from the mountains, I soon found an easier path leading downhill to the village.
我背着山走了不久, 就发现了一条通往该村比较平坦山小路。
9.You are looking at the annual downhill cowboy skiing competition that involves slalom and lassoing skills.
10.It includes the division of dissolving area, the redetermination of its length and width,downhill layout of dissolving area a nd improvement of drilling tunnel and cutting grooves.
11.He is grasping coarse small fist swiftly the ground runnings to go downhill, he runs faster more, always feel to rear cacodaemon is in come as drive out.