3.Pack fabric is super durable ripstop and dobby,ensure superior protection for outdoor sports.
4.Now simply close the wire lock and you have a very durable, totally weedless tube bait.
5.For example, the halyard, uses in the crane code high and low, must very solid durable.
6.By exampling, it is posepole that quantitative counting and qualitative reviewing durable resistance about liquid corrosion on concrete.
7.The perfect combination of high rigid structure and aerometal has strong stability,can bear large pressure, making the whole machine durable.
8.Glycoluril prepared under optimized process conditions has the following good properties of low content of free formaldehyde,durable and stable and crease-proofing.
9.Durable goods were swept up, with sales higher by an annualised 22 per cent, but services and nondurables as well grew at respectable if modest speeds.
10.To a Jian master,full iron Jian is failed even not durable.These should be made by the forger who don't know escrime.