2.The establishment you are looking for is in Bridge Street.
3.With the establishment of major new markets, the economy is thriving.
4.He opens a high-class millinery establishment.
5.The hotel is a well-run establishment.
6.Heart to heart chats conduce to the establishment of harmonious atmosphere among fellow workers.
7.He was one of the moving spirits in the establishment of the United Nations.
8.Now,there are lower urbanization level,feeblish heartland and lacking establishment in our urbanization construction.
9.The third is the establishment of marker-free and skelecton-free transformation vector systems, which are efficient and simple.
10.Before the establishment of labor unions, a worker could be discharged at the caprice of any manager.
11.During the period of our school’s establishment anniversary, we will hold conversazione, speech, sodality and perfomances for our schoolfellows.
12.The establishment of our GRE computer data has enabled us to come up with innovative tactics for doing well on the GRE.
GRE电脑数据库建立, 使我们有了新策略来有效地应付GRE考试。
13.This dissertation presents the theory and method on the establishment of height datums.And some problems on the geocenter motion are also studied.
14.This article tries to discuss the legal substratum,the nature, the relevant problems and the establishment of the legal system associated with such donations.
【英文摘要】 Donation of a reliquiae or an organ should be an independent lawful decision and not be treated as a common gift.
15.Now he must deal with Washington's gigantic and frequently doltish permanent establishment.
16.The establishment of humanistic size is aim to rebuild and discover the humanistic value, and to search and design the ideal abuttal of our living.
17.With the development of Socialist market-oriented economy and the original establishment of litmusless Financing Policy, the sector of private enterprises has come into a new era.
18.They went astray, in their innocence, to such a degree that they introduced the immense enfeeblement of a crime into their establishment as an element of strength.
19.Except our splendid and honorable restaurant establishments,we will overjoy every guests each moment by realizing all the promises contented in the brand which as our missional pronunciamento.