1.Annular syphilid is an uncommon presentation of secondary syphilis, previously seen almost exclusively in black.
2.The club is an exclusively male preserve.
3.I painted the Gaea almost exclusively using Alclad II.
这部 Gaea 的涂装几乎完全用上 Alclad II (油性)油。
4.The star has a ski slope reserved exclusively for her.
5.I can exclusively reveal that Gail shares a birthday with Rod Stewart.
6.This room is exclusively for women.
7.Our knowledge about agriculture has so far been exclusively confined to books.
8.These on reduction with NaBH4 gave exclusively cis-3-heterocycle substituted chroman-4-ols in good yields.
【文摘】3,3-Dibromochroman-4-ones on reaction with different heterocyclic secondary amines gave 3-substituted chromones.
9.Exclusively available with a six-speed manual transmission, the gearbox uses a transaxle configuration to aid weight distribution.
10."Most importantly, if all of us get news and information exclusively from television, there will be a decline in general literacy."
11.Made of a special alloy, the balance spring is fabricated exclusively by Nivarox (Swatch Group).Its complex set-up requires craftsmen dedicated to this task only.
Swatch集团的Nivarox 公司,出品采用合金材料的擒纵杠杆,生产这种产品这需非常好的手艺。
12.Individuals crossing exclusively within the same population produce more progeny than those crossing in both directions and thereby use up some of their gametes for the production of inviable hybrids.