11.A method of parallel optical processing of double exposure specklegram or particle image using hololens array is presented.
12.Slab temperature variation entering the mill would be closely controlled, and exposure to air and consequent scalling would be minimized.
13.Chronic exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation may result in morphological and pathological changes of the skin, which is known as photoaging.
14.Fluoride is a widely distributed nephrotoxin with exposure potentially resulting from environmental fluorine excess.Kidney is the main excretory organ of fluorine.
15.Drag the exposure in the past, solvent and film resin acylamide assiociation, deterring effect, makes it hard to dissolve in alkaline solution.
16.Filter bed should be exposurd as less as possible because alternation of exposure and immersion is disbennifit to the penetrability of filter bed.
17.To bring out the moonbow, an exposure of 30 seconds was needed, making the picture appear as if it was taken during the day.
18.Cytogenetic techniques as a measurement method of radiation biodosimetry were widely used and validated in evaluation of ionizing radiation biodosimetry, especially in acute radiation exposure.
19.A new fabrication method for hollow microneedle array is proposed with three times exposures in deep X-ray lithography of synchrotron radiation and the development procedure.
20.And the boundary of them has the same lithologic character: the ravinement surface of river course or exposure mudstone of flooding plain and root clay.