1.Fluoroaniline is synthesized in two steps from p-nitrochlorobenzene and active potassium fluoride.
2.Quartz sand, activated carbon, removing iron and manganese filtration, deoxygenation, fluoride removal equipment.
3.Objective To investigate clinical apearances, mechanism and prognosis of the cerebropathy of acute organic fluoride poisoning.
4.TheyThe use a fluorid of fluoride to protect teeth is common in many parts of the world.
5.Aim To validate spectrum analysis of oxalyl fluoride neutral molecule(FCO)2 and study vibrational mode of the two configuration.
6.Ammonium bifluoride is an inorganic fluoride salt, whose consumption and output exceed tmi thousand of tons in China.
7.Benzaldehyde and acetone used as materials,the benzylidene acetone is synthesized in the presence of potassium fluoride on alumina.
8.It was studied that the process conditions of treating fluobenzene wastewater with acidification, extraction, inorganic fluoride removal and electrocatalysis.
9.T calculated from the characteristic temperatures shows that the thermal stability of fluorophosphate glass is better than fluoride glass.
10.In the atomic energy field and nuclear weapons production,it act as the raw material of uranic fluoride ,fuels and additives of rockets.
11.The experiments suggest that the superfluorescence of fluoride glass fibr is a kind of low coherence and high performances light source with bright application prospect.
12.Fluorine, one of the necessary trace elements of human beings is presented in the forms of inorganic and organic compounds in foods, such as sodium fluoride, silicon fluoride, and fluoroacetate etc.