1.Together, the hair follicle and sebaceous gland are often referred to as the pilosebaceous follicle.
2.Arrector Pili are tiny muscles attached to the base of the hair follicles.
3.Arrector Pil : Each hair follicle has a tiny muscle called the arrector pili attached to it.
4.Abstract : Objective To investigate the expression of angiogenin in human hair follicle and evaluate its effect on hair growth.
摘要 : 目的 探讨血管生成素人毛囊中的表达及其意。
5.Functions: Promote Dilation of Hair Capillaries, Improve blood circulation, and Nourish hair follicle. Benefit Hair Growth, Ameliorate Psilosis and scattered hair.
6.At high magnification, the germinal center in this reactive lymph node follicle has prominent macrophages with irregular cellular debris (so-called "tingible body macrophages").
7.The dorsoventral polarity of Drosophila egg is established by means of signaling between the germ line-derived oocyte and the surrounding somatic follicle cells.
8.External hordeolum: An external hordeolum (sty) is an acute small staphylococcal abscess of a lash follicle and its associated gland of Zeis of Moll.