4.Gasoline is a solvent liquid which removes grease spots .
5.This car runs 5 miles on a gallon of gasoline.
6.Hydrodesulphurization technology could effectively decrease sulfur content in gasoline and octane number loss.
7.No osmyl and no taste.Soluble in Benzene,Acetone,C2H4Cl2,CS2,toluene,party soluble in alcohol,diethyl ether,insoluble in water,gasoline.
8.Gasoline cuts oil and grease.
9.As caustic solution prewashing of FCC gasoline discharges lots of lye, it is nec essary to improve the process.
10.Preparation of EGD air-cooling two-stroke-cycle gasoline engine oil and TC-W3 water-cooling two-stroke-cycle gasoline engine oil was studied by using hydroisomerizing base oil.
11.Effective, rapid, non volatile, non conflagate, less insitation, recovery use, it is an ideal substitute of gasoline and diesel oil using for cleaning.
12.By applying multivariable model predictive control (MPC) technology, the control performance of the gasoline debutanizer of fluid catalytic cracking unit can be improved.
13.The polymerised product (mainly diisobutylene ) can be hydrogenated to be used as gasoline blending agent replacing MTBE, or separated as fine chemical feedstock.
14.Technology Progress of producing BTX aromatics from heavy fraction of pyrolysis gasoline and correlative hydrodealkylation and non-aromatics hydrocracking techniques were reviewed in this paper.
15.To register the dispatchment of the business cars and record the mileages of each company vehicles on a monthly base and the gasoline consumption on a weekly base.
16.With little pollution, the application of the antiknock additive for gasoline can lead the No. 60 benzoline to be changed into environment-friendly gasoline as No. 90, 93 and 97.
17.This paper introduces the light gaso line etherify technology,brings fo rward the project of building the light gasoline etherify device on th e catalyst cracking cell in the refin ery plant.