3.Frankie always got away with cheeking his elders.
4.The bank robbers used a stolen car to get away.
5.No one can flout the rules and get away with it.
6.He caught hold of her wrists so she couldn’t get away.
7.The rest of us are reprimanded for even the smallest transgression, while he can get away with murder.
我们其他的人哪怕只有点鸡毛蒜皮的过失都要受责备, 他过失再大也安然无事。
8.When the lights go green, apply the throttle smoothly (don't stomp) and try to get away cleanly with as little wheelspin as possible.
9.I want to know why the press focus their bile on Mourinho and Chelsea and let this arrogant condescending tosspot get away with risking the future of our national game - no questions asked?