3.There is a close analogy between the gills of a fish and the lungs of a mammal.
4.Trama The inner tissue of the gills in basidiomycete fungi that is made up of loosely packed hyphae.
5.The results show that the gill surface of all five species have frontal cilia,lateral cilia and laterofrontal cirri.
6.Unlike other molluscs, bivalves lack a radula and feature labial palps, which carry food from the gills to the mouth.
7.The thorax and pleon bear a number of lateral appendages, including the gills, and the tail ends with a telson.
8.The syndrome displayed as protrudent eyes, lackluster surface with white cytocysts, ulcerative gill, swoln throat, anabrotic liver and inflammatory intestinal tract.
9.In addition,a new structure,frontal cirrus between the frontal cilia and laterofrontal cirri,is found only on the gill surface of Corbicula fluminea.
10.Behind is a thorn in rats called horsetail beefwood trees in rats gill and common horsetail beefwood role of sand was locked.