1.The understratum, calcareous sandrock and conglomerate rock, generate dissolution of groundwater.
2.Increased consumption of water has led to rapid depletion of groundwater reserves.
3.Due to overpumping groundwater, hazard of mantled karst collapse may often take place there.
4.Abstract: In the paper, by integrative using GIS and Geostatistics, we analyzed the special distribution characteristic of groundwater downrange in arid area.
5.We propose that As anomalism in groundwater possibly resulted from the combined effects of organic matter-enriched lacustrine sediments, geological setting and topographical characteristics.
6.Based on the quality data of overyear water table and groundwater, the research studied the dynamic variation of water table and quality of groundwater.
7.Overpumping groundwater for drinking water and irrigation has caused water levels to decline by tens of metres in many regions, forcing people to use low-quality water for drinking.