11.Instead of being fueled by sugar, as it usually is, it begins to metabolize fat-derived molecules called ketone bodies, hence the term ketogenic diet.
12.Transcultural management often pays attention to only the negative influence of cultural differences.Hence international enterprises attach importance to the culture merge in culture integration.
13.In this correspondence, a new class of sextic residue sequences is constructed and the characteristic polynomial and hence the linear complexity of it are determined.
14.This circuit is of Independence and perfectibility hence can be used to fabricate Deka-Value logic systems and implement any Deka-Value combinatorial logic and temporal logic.
15.Through an experiment,the author tries to make some improvement in the current method of gradate place in basketball competition,hence to help development of basketball in China.
16.Furthermore, through SDS-PAGE analysis, the cold shock treatment was found able to delay the discomposition of proteins, hence to raise the tolerance of CI of Nai-plum fruit.
17.The designed amplifier fabricates by 2um BiMOS.The characteristic of this process is add PMOS into general bipolar process, hence, the amplifier gets low cut off power consumption easily.
18.Sudan stains Any of various stains based on aniline dyes, and used to color fats and waxes, and hence cutinized (e.g. cuticle ) and suberized (e.g.Casparian strip) tissues.See staining.
19.The king is also an incarnation of this god, hence the two birds wear the double crown and are flanked by the sun disk with a uraeus holding an "ankh" (life sign).
20.If couples of users make a coalition and collude to generate a new image or video section, they would weaken the examinable energy of the fingerprint a lot, hence avoid being traced.