1.Slaves were mercilessly ground down by slave holders.
2.She is a multiple job holder.
3.Spherical gas holders, cryogenic tank, unites de transport reservoirs de stockage.
4.Debenture holder has priority over ordinary shareholder.
5.The holder does not lend or attorn card.
6.The bottom of the candle is fused with its holder.
7.The holder of the office of chairman is responsible for arranging meeting.
8.The holder of the office of chairman is reponsible for arranging meetings.
9.Includes AC battery recharger, charging stand, pipette holder with safety valve, and filter.
包括交流电池充电器,充电器座,液器 架(带安全阀,以及过滤器等)。
10.The adjustable spreading holder and adjustable fabric-feed inclination make straight lines and smooth rolling fabric after scutching polychrome cloth.
11.Abstract: This paper describes the designing and manufacturing of the knife holder of model 2040 multi-purpose microtome.
摘 要: 本文介绍2040型多用切片机刀架槽体改造与加工。
12.During this period nontrade creditors, like bank debt and bond holders, languish in uncertainty as to what will happen to their investment.
13.Either the main card holder or the secondary card holder is regarded as a due member of the club and the two enjoy coequality.
14.Based on game theory,this paper analyses behavior strategies of the negotiable-stocks holders and nonnegotiable-stocks holders in the course of rights-issues for their different value orientation.
15.Injury by forceps holder is secondary, but incomplete or complete neurotmesis is rare.Open reduction is beneficial for anatomical reduction and recovery of nerve injury.
16.SARCO is finalising documentation with the licence holder to this block which will result in direct rights of 70% in a joint venture agreement with the licence holder.
泄漏是最后定稿文件与营业执照持有人以该座这将产生直接权利, 70 %一个合资企业协议与牌照持有人。
17.A tax advantage is also available to holders of most depletive assets—those which are used up, or depleted, over a period of time—like oil, natural gas, uranium, or coal.
18.As a holder of this visa, you may apply for permanent residence at any time if you are able to meet the passmark on the General Skilled Migration points test.