4.Humanity? You don't know the meaning of the word!.
5.He isn't humanity.
6.In this way, humanity may rid itself of depressive implication and men can habitate poetically on this land.
7.The pursuing is rouse of humanity, and also is the tergiversation to traditional female role of the ethical code .
8.However the right personality,the unpretending humanity,the truest empressement and the rational tolerance are the key to realize the harmonious service.
9.The complicated misanthropy which enabled him, his interpreters declared, to love the public and spurn humanity, did not preclude certain trifling investigation of the tenderer emotions.
10.But, for a purified mind, to keep away from egocentrism (instinct react of bad habits), and to keep humanity, love, good will, delight and impartiality is a natural thing.
11.Only can we interpret this chapter by dint of glossology and thoughtway together, and discuss it under the frame of Mencius's theory of good humanity, we can find new clew to solve this question .
12.There is no need to bury our own talents in order to be a "filial child" and there is no need to conform to others in order to be a "normal person". We have a greater sense of "humanity" and more capacity for thinking than the average person.