5.In this area the climate changes from cool, humid, and subpolar to the frozen conditions of Antarctica.
6.Some 22 percent of degrading land is in very arid to dry-subhumid areas, while 78 percent of it is in humid regions.
7.Trees of the family Dipterocarpaceae dominate the canopy and emergent layers of the hyper-diverse, aseasonal, humid lowland tropical forests of Southeast Asia.
8.Rendzina A type of brown earth soil typical of humid to semi-arid grasslands over calcareous rocks. The rendzina is rich in lime and has an upper humus-rich horizon.
9.This kind of identity in the absence of argillitization of inmnersion or humid air gas, such as El isochronic, the edges of the clear picture and text will not fade, discolor.
10.The central concept of Inceptisols is that of soils of soills of humid and subhumid regions that have altered horizons that have lost bases or iron and aluminum but retain some weatherable minerals.