1.Scientists are conducting systematic research into antigens to combat immune disorders.
2.I am immune from the disease, for I had it once.
我对这病有免疫力, 因为我已得过一次了。
3.Problems arise when the body’s immune system is not functioning adequately.
4.She injected them with phytohaemagglutinin (PHA), a substance that induces an immune reaction.
5.The plasma CRP levels of 128 patients were determinded by immune transmission turbidly method.
6.No one knows why a fetus is not automatically rejected by the mother’s immune system.
7.Protozoal infection is one of the most important opportunistic infections among patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome(AIDS).
8.Another lesion for vasculitis, which vasculitis often due to cold hypergammaglobulinemia, high hypergammaglobulinemia, or immune complex deposition caused.
9.This leads to the hypothesis that NKG2D-mediated cytolytic function could be one of the mechanisms of tumor immune surveillance.
10.To investigate the effects of selenocarrageenan syrupus on nonspecific immunity, humoral immunity, cell immmunity of immune suppressed mice with cyclophosphamide.
11.The researchers found that cells in damaged skin can secrete TSLP (thymic stromal lymphopoietin), a compound capable of eliciting a powerful immune response.
12.All the allergic rhinitis,nasosinusitis and many chronic inflammatory diseases of otorhinolaryngology are the immune response that body immune mechanism aims at inbreaking heterogeneous ingredient.
13.The paralytic peptide of Bombyx mori (BmPP) is one such peptide that is involved in the paralytic and plasmatocyte-spreading activities in the hemocyte immune reaction.
14.Neopterin is a marker for the activation of the cell-mediated immune system,the elevation of its serum concentration is an independent predictor of cardiovascular adverse events.
15.Intravenation of Congo red solution has been utilized to examine the influence on gulping ability of mononuclear macrophages and on the weight of its immune organs.
16.It might actually cause harm by skewing the natural immune response away from the virus already in Jeanna's brain and toward variants overrepresented in the vaccine.
17.As an important leucoprotease,myeloperoxidase (MPO) has many effects in mediating inflammation,regulating immune response and so on,which also takes part in the genesis and development of diseases.
18.In addition, only certain murine mAb isotypes hae been shown to effectiely bind to and actiate elements of the human immune system, thereby triggering cytotoxic effector functions10.
19.The author has reviewed the promoted effect of testosterone and androgens on the improvement of human immune function,sexual hypoesthesia,wasting syndrome and depression and the treatment of AIDS.
20.After the tolerizing regimen, the host is withdrawn from the suppressive agents, but is able to maintain specific immune tolerance to the immunogenic epitopes present on the toleragen.