2.Early experiences can implant fears in the subconscious.
3.The operation to implant the artificial heart took two hours.
4.Methods We implanted 1 or 2 fresh wart in medial arm subcuticle.
5.His Asian handlers control him with a hypnotically implanted trigger, a particular playing card.
6.With Experiencable Program Units, implants will make it easier for people to have access to EPU programs.
7.Through the implanting electrodes the anterior cingulate,posterior eingulate and.the retro splenial were stimulated in chronic conditions.
8.Biology reshaping of implant can obtain a faster osseointegration bigger area of synosteosis and stronger anti-shearing force.
9.The use of gold weight eyelid implant is an established procedure in treatment of lagophthalmos with successful results.
10.ARTICHOKE operations involved detailed, systematic creation of specific amnesia barriers, new identities and hypnotically implanted codes and triggers.
11.Objective To treat atrophic rhinitis by implanting homologue of partly beantigenic dentinum (HPDD) instead of the autogenic bone implantation.
12.Objective To discuss the effect of individualized nursing care after traumatic cataract phacectomy associated with artificial lens implanted in children.
13.The tooth and bone implants were harvested, sutured together, reimplanted, and grown in the omenta for an additional 8 weeks.
14.Methods Bone flap of ilium with pedicle of deep iliac cirumflex vascula was implanted at femoral neck fracture of the patients.
15.In recent years, the application of implant supported denture are more and more widely, the treatment of sclerous tissues in implant surgery is fairly perfect.
16.Expandor is implanted in the normal skin near facial scar,expandel gradually.During the second operation flap corresponding to the scar which is incised is created and employed.
17.Tooth implants were generated from pig third molar tooth bud cells seeded onto polyglycolide (PGA) and polyglycolide-colactide (PLGA) scaffolds, and grown for 4 weeks in the omenta of adult rat hosts.