at last多指经主观努力,克服各种困难后才终于达到目的。 at length强调经历一段长时间后终于完成,侧重在时间部分。 eventually侧重于动作或行为的果。 finally常at last换用,都可用于对往事的描述,但finally不带感情色彩,指一系列事情的最后。 in the endat last同义,但in the end不仅可指“过去”还可表示对“未来”的预计。 lastly指连续顺序的最后,通常用在列举事情的场合。
4.In the end, the decision to scrap the project was unanimous.
5.He did wrong, and in the end his wrongs undid him.
6.In the end, it will be destructive of our whole society.
7.Peter is a slow learner, but he gets there in the end.
8.In the end, Zaibun's zaniness could not top Goh's simple prescription for feeling good.
9.In the end they had to amputate his foot to free him from the wrecked car.
10.A person,who is imperious and tries to gloss over his fault,is bound to suffer in the end.
11.In the end he admitted bending the truth. He had done some of his essay, but he hadn’t finished it.
12.It was indeed a clever plan to entrap his opponent, but in the end he was hoist by his own petard.
13.Tony was angry with his brother for a while, but blood is thicker than water, and in the end he forgave him.
14.But in the end there is only so much to be learned about fumbling priapic landlords and the stale smell of liquor.
15.This paper introduced the application, production and consumption of cyanuramide at home and abroad. Some suggestions for developing cyanuramide were put forward in the end.
16.In the end, writer defined the promotion plan of competition according to the conclusion of competition analysis.By the research, FEMTO’s market central issue is clear.
17.In the end, there might be some signs that boorish boys know they're overreaching — and that may be expressed in the level of their braggadocio.
18.It is the reason why the wildcatter, the independent oilman whose test drillings might come up dry 20 times before gushing in the end, is an enduring Texas symbol.