2.His presence is indicative of his willingness to help.
3.His presence is indicative of his wish to join us.
4.His presence is indicative of his interest in our plan.
5.This is indicative of a hypochromic (less hemoglobin in each RBC) microcytic (smaller size of each RBC) anemia.
6.Water is a lifespring, it is us the cradle of the life on this blue heavenly body and indicative.
人类的文明之舟,自古依水而行。水是命的源泉,是 我们这个蓝色星球上命的摇篮和象征。
7.There are three kinds of mood in English:the indicative mood,the imperative mood and the subjunctive mood.
8.The gram stain shown here demonstrates many neutrophilic leukocytes, one of which contains gram negative intracellular diplococci indicative of Neisseria gonorrheae infection.