2.I find her exhausting to be with—she's too intense.
我感到和在一起很累, 这个人太热了。
3.It offers an intense aroma with strong green pepper, fruity like cherry and marasca.
4.The intense heat keeled him over.
5.Her dislike for Dick was intense.
6.Susan was an intense young lady.
7.Love is not just a notice, it's a intense feeling, a privity, a each other telergy.
8.Because dinitrogen tetroxide has intense oxidation character, it was often used as one oxidant of bipropellants.
9.Intense garnet red with a sweet tobacco and canine rose bouquet with hints of goudron and spices.
10.The need to externalize is the more intense, the more the lyricism is interiorized, profound, and concentrated.
11.The main causes resulting in this situation are intense compaction, pressure solution, cementation, filling, carbonatization and recrystallization, but...
12.Vulcanisation is the method or process of treating crude rubber with sulphur and subjecting it to intense heat.
13.Investment fund as a result of intense by advantage nature, demonstrated cinereous vulture's disposition, this is a double-edged sword.
14.Dermatitis herpetiformis (Duhring's disease) presents with intense pruritus and a vesicular eruption.It is associated with a usually asymptomatic gluten-sensitive enteropathy.
15.An intense storm cloud forms over South Africa's Highveld. The Highveld contains the greatest span of remaining grassland in southern Africa.
16.But if with this thinking mode regarding the specific mathematics problem formulation one kind of more intense consciousness, transformed the thought einstellung.
17.Compared with the woman, the man's off the rails to cummer condonable index wants a lot of lower, and their reaction normally very intense.
18.The works' core is a kind of symbiotic beauty which are strugglingly explored from the Eastern veiling, courteousness, pleasure, and the Western direct, nude, intense emotion.
19.In the present work, we examined the statoconia in the inner ear of the hagfish Paramyxine nelsoni intense to explore it auseful index in hagfish’s age determination.
本研究以纽氏副盲鳗为材料, 检视存在于其内耳的耳石是否可能成为为盲鳗定龄的依据。
20.Citronellyl oxyacetaldehyde with thick and intense rose and lily note is widely used for waking up floral essences and a extremely precious synthetic perfume with wide applied perspective.