1.Tritium is one of the mildest radioactive isotopes.
2.There are 37 lectures, major headings are geochronology, radiogenic isotope geochemistry and stable isotope geochemistry.
3.The catalytic gas liquid isotope exchange reaction is a good method to prepare tritiated triptolid.
4.High mass resolution spectrometer for isotope seperator on line(ISOL) in(Beijing) radioactive ion-beam facilities(BRIF) project requires mass resolving power of(20 000).
5.The lead isotope study shows that ores of the Mujiazhuang copper deposit and the host rocks contain very high radiogenic lead.
6.Through K-Ar isotope age study in pillow basalt,has gained the isochrone age is 139Ma.The age is the formation age of pillow basalt.
7.The researchers found that isotopes from the shock front were mixed into the protosun in a manner consistent with their origin in a supernova.
8.Breath tests using fatty acids with a stable isotope (13C) were carried out on patients with SSc in order to detect malabsorption and hypoperistalsis.
9.Uranium isotope abundance ratio has been measured by total sample evaporation and signal integration,and a thermal surface ionization mass sepctrometry equipped with multicollector has been used.