5.Be careful lest you (should) fall from the tree.
小心, 不要从树掉下来。
6.I'll remind him lest he should forget it.
怕他忘记, 我会提醒他的。
7.I was afraid lest he might come too late.
8.They decided to retreat lest they would be between two fires.
他们决定撤退, 否则就要受两面夹击。
9.Mother hustled the children off to school lest they should be late.
10.Bind the ganster to the seat with rope lest he should escape.
11.Be not just to excess, and be not overwise, lest you be ruined.
12.Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright.
13.A few caffein that contain in green tea of course also can stimulate central nervous, best days is drinkable lest affect Morpheus.
14.Here, therefore, is great danger, lest one of these jurisdictions intrench upon the other, and discord arise between the keeper of the public peace and the overseers of souls.
15.O thou that dost inhabit in my breast, Leave not the mansion so long tenantless, Lest, growing ruinous, the building fall And leave no memory of what it was.
16.When using this method, want to notice the skin gets off namely aglow constantly, and the sinapism that should notice cloth to go up cannot too thick, lest the skin is bubbly.