3.The plantaris muscle, popliteofibular ligament, fabellofibular ligament, and semimembranosus bursa were present in all specimens.
4.She tore ligament in her ankle while she was playing squash.
5.The falciform ligament is the rough dividing line between the two lobes.
6.Another showed fibrocyte morphological features as well as spiral ligament fibrocytes ultrastructure characterization, and expressed vimentin.
7.The typical injuries for swimmers were muscular chronic injuries at spine region,rotator cuff injury,anterior talofibular ligament injury,and patellar enthesiopathy.
8.The entire caudate lobe was resected and skeletization lymph node dissection of the hepatoduodenal ligament was performed in all cases.
9.Objective To study the effect of pretensioning on quadrupled-stranded semitendinosus and gracilis tendon graft length during anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
10.Gastrocolic ligament was incised with electrotome by laparoscopy.Drainage-tube was placed in omental burse and lesser omentum for douche and drainage.
11.Conclusion The incidence rate of brachiocubital ligament injury was the highest.According to the analysis of anatomic structure, "tennis elbow" can be prevented.
12.Results Among all the people, 432 people underwent "tennis elbow" (36.98%).Brachiocubital ligament injury was 63.42%.Radial collateral ligament injury was 31.25%.Multi-part injury was 5.32%.
14.Objective To explore a new approach on the avulsion fracture of tibial insection of anterior cruciate ligament with arthroscopic reduction and steel wire internal fixation.