2.Paul always finishes his work — you should do likewise.
3.I stuck out my tongue and Frankie did likewise .
4.The banks advise against sending cash. Likewise, sending British cheques may cause problems.
5.You forgot to mention that her parents were likewise going to attend the ceremony.
6.Likewise, under the papalism in the middle ages of West, papacies dominate was the leading.
7.The servants likewise used me saucily, and had much ado to keep their hands off me.
8.Persons thus co-opted by the Senate were liable to the burden of the praetorship, and likewise those whom the Emperor ennobled, unless special exemption were granted.
9.I likewise can call the lutanist and the singer, but the sounds that pleased me yesterday weary me today, and will grow yet more wearisome tomorrow.
10.On one band, the laggerbehind of the rural area binders the development of the education, likewise the unadvanced education in such areas differ the development in other many aspects.
11.The clerks and ryots, however, seemed duly impressed, and likewise envious, as though deploring their parents' omission to endow them with so splendid a means of appealing to the Zamindar.