1.He rubbed his limbs vigorously to get the blood circulating.
2.Men and women have four limbs; two arms and two legs.
3.The animal is able to stand up on its hind limbs.
4.The prisoner’s limbs flailed violently because of the pain.
5.I risked life and limb to get here on time.
6.She sat on a limb of the tree and looked down.
7.She risked life and limb to save her son from the fire.
8.Anyone who could climb all these stairs was sound enough in wind and limb.
9.We combined anterograde venogram and percutaneous popiteal venogram to be lower limbs segment venogram.
10.The rheumatic polymyalgia has the neck shoulder pain, the limb girdle myo- ache and the myasthenia.
11.Initial neurologic exam was notable for generalized choreic movements involving facial as well as limb muscles.
12.At present the doctor is giving him daily massages to help restore the function of his limbs.
目医生每天在给他按摩, 帮助他恢复腿臂的功能。
13.Motion-aid Device Workshop is a fabrication center for custom made limb prosthesis, orthosis, and paramedical shoe insert.
14.This heavily muscled reptile stalks about on four limbs,its fluid movements and feline grace belying its size.
15.Objective To consider the application value of amplactant machine with mnemic alloy and in the treatment of limbs fracture.
16.A 38-year-old man presented with nodulous, ulcers on his limbs for 2 months and intermittent asthma for 30 years.
17.CONCLUSION:The combination of LSPR with adductor tenotomy can effectively ameliorate lower limb spasticity and movement with decreased operative damage.
18.OBJECTIVE:To investigate the effects of combination therapy of LSPR with adductor tenotomy on lower limb spasticity, gait and movement of the patients.
20.Thanatophoric dysplasia (TD) is the most common form of lethal neonatal dwarfism with micromelic shortening of the limbs, macrocephaly, platyspondyly, and reduced thoracic cavity.