This is a good example of his lyric poetry.
dramatic lyrics
dramatic romances and lyrics
lyrics cluster
lyrics of autumn wind
lyrics power
music and lyrics
This is a good example of his lyric poetry.
This is a love lyric.
This is a good example of Shelley's lyric poetry.
His earlier work announced a lyric talent of the first order.
He is a lyric poet.
Dead Prez sometimes burn dollar bills to protest the evils of capitalism, and their lyrics accuse teachers of teaching “white man lies”.
Flat, unmemorable, and with awkwardly written English lyrics performed uncharismatically by Chinatsu Kasai, these tracks are probably the weakest of the vocal tracks in the Chronicles albums.
A number of you with a worrying knowledge of Beatles lyrics also point out that Matt Busby - an ex-Liverpool player - gets a namecheck on Dig It.
有一部分对Beatles歌词小有研究的人也指出Beatles的歌曲"Dig It"指名道姓地点出了利物浦前球员马特·巴斯比。
As a part of the folk song's language, the extra words have strengthened the popularity and endemicity of the lyric language, and have enhanced the expression of the music language.
But at that time he didn't tell the lyrist that this song is for Ah Mui, but unexpectedly the lyrist thought the same as he did after listening to this song, and the lyrics matches Ah Mui too.