11.Leaves simple, alternate or opposite, exstipulate, margin entire or dentate, venation pinnate or triplinerved.
12.The manufacturers appear to have underbid the contracts by a wider margin than usual.
13.Four distribution patterns of are found on microphyll silica body, which are microphyll margin, midrib, homogeneity and nil patterns.
14.Pro-,meso-and metapleuron of ventral surface and posterior margin of sides of abdominal segments with yellow pubescent maculae.
15.Petals usually 5, rarely more, occasionally absent, white, pink, or red, glabrous or hairy, margin entire, rarely premorse.
16.The small pink vegetation on the rightmost cusp margin represents the typical finding with non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis (or so-called "marantic endocarditis").
17.On hairy leaves, nymphs and pupae are often small with elongated dorsal setae, their margins are crenelated and sometimes indented deeply.
18.The Xiaorequanzi copper (zinc) deposit is situated in the south of a paleovolcanic domain in Haerlik-Danahu late Palaeozoic continental margin island.
19.Such externalization of costs significantly reduces the costs of raw materials to given produ cers and hence increases the margin of profit.
20.Ambipolar transistors are attractive for realizing complementary-like organic integrated circuits, which operate with low power dissipation, wide noise margins and great operational stability.