2.Twelve hours later she suffered a massive brain haemorrhage.
12 小时后她脑部大量出血。
3.Typically the rock is massive, but commonly it is flaggy or schistose.
4.This massive autobiographical work was the logical culmination of her long career.
5.Mr Rosser said the barrage would cause "massive ecological disruption" and distract from alternatives.
6.Goku attempts to climb the massive Korin Tower in hopes of finding the Sacred Water.
7.Out of surfering, it merges the strongest souls. The most massive characters are shrieled with ghast.
8.There's a ludicrously large backlist in books and this could mean a massive new revenue stream.
9.I'm so sick of those giant lumbering oafs,clomping around with their massive shoes like they're so cool.
10.I turned the massive handle on the air lock doors in the quiet Biosphere 2 and debarked into a twilight desert.
11.The traditional drinking water supply in the rural areas of Guizhou is mainly the means of massive, individual and unprojected ways.
12.Ankerite microclinite, a special type of rock, is closely related to the ore-forming process of massive sulfide deposits in the East Liaoning Proterozoic rift.
13.A glimpse at the vice-regal residence reveals a certain Byronic romanticism.It is battlemented, with sham turrets, massive chimney-stacks, and a good deal of carved stone.
瞥一眼有着佯装炮楼城垛上矗立着高大烟囱和许多石雕总督官邸不难看见它所透露拜伦风格浪漫主义精神 。
14.Chinese wouldn't stick to the history, but you Japanese was guilty of massive brutism in the war and would scare a evil Nazi's soul off.
15."There has been a massive increase in demand for vegetarian dishes at my restaurant over the past few years," Wim Vandamme, a Ghent restauranteur told me.
16.During two cooling methods, whether tension stress or compression stress, the retained austenite in steel reduced with stress increasing, had become from massive to streak or filminess.
17.At its farthest end, three glaciers meet to dump their effluvia into the milky grey glacial water, launching massive igloo icebergs into the lake with thunderous splashes.
18.Unlike their more massive counterparts, sunlike stars are thought to die gracefully by ejecting their outer gaseous layers in a nonexplosive process that takes about 10,000 years.
19.Some cockroach species can go for a month without food, survive for a month on a drop of water from a dishrag, and withstand massive doses of radiation.
20.But those who favor the influx of the cheap labor force , on the other side, maintain that migrants are needed for the massive urban infrastucture contruction program.