2.Polyandrous - A mating system in which females mate multiple males.
Polyandrous -一种交系统,其中女队友多男。
3.The mating rituals of the cubera snappers have nothing, though, on squid.
4.Males and females only commingle during mating season, otherwise they live solitary existences.
5.In postzygotic isolating mechanisms mating occur, but the resulting hybrid organism is inviable or sterile.
6.The kind of mating, using as one parent a known homozygous recessive, is called a testcross.
7.90. The mating system can be changed in a quick and simple manner, from monoecy to dioecy.
8.Most of the wild and cultivated strains are secondarily homothallic mating type in life-cycle, but some wild strains are heterothallic.
9.After mating and oviposition, statistics showed that the higher of the percentage of small eggs is, the more of the unlaid eggs is.
10.Trochus pyramis Born is of gonophores.The male reproductive system is mainly composed of the spermaries and spermaductus, instead of mating and others glands.
11.Homosporous ferns produce sporophytes by intra gametophytic selfing, inter gametophytic mating, or apogamy.Gametangium ontogeny, genetic load, and ploidy affect the mating system of each species.
12.Moreover: we also have the necessary explosion-proof electrically operated rapes, decoders, flexure nemas, connecting boxes and so on mating with the black-light night-vision camera.
13.The results showed that a mixed mating system was possibly the main heterogamy of this species, and its endangerment was caused by over-exploitation and habitat loss.