1.Concepts of metamorphism, metamorphic reaction, prograde and retro – metamorphisms.
2.Shagou deposit mainly lies in the metamorphic rock of Taihua Group,Archaeozoic erathem.
3.The Weizi gold deposit has close relation to An-bearing siliconite formed by metamorphic differentiation.
4.The metamorphic grades of Minleh and Changma areas are prehnite-pumpellyite and prehnite-actinolite facies, respectively.
5.The present application of the nuclear log to the studies of the volcanic rocks and superpressure metamorphic rocks is outlined.
6.The khondalite lithology is composed of a suit of metamorphic aluminium-sedimentary rock.During the Jinning movement, the sedmentary rock experienced four stages of metamorphism.
7.Research for geofluids is a hot-point and frontier in the geoscience field, especially, in igeous petrology, metamorphic petrology, geotectology and study of mineral deposits.
8.Some different metamorphic grade coals surface character was changed through the hypothermia thermal transnature in order to influnce the rheidity of coal-oil-water ternary material.
9.Minhe Basin is a Mesozoic-Cenozoic intermont basin grew on Precambrian metamorphic rock basement in middle Qilian uplift zone.Total thickness of Mesozoic-Cenozoic is about 7000 meters.
10.Xiaertai rock group,a set of metamorphic rock system in Xiaertai area,has experienced strong ductilebrittle deformation and then thermal contact metamorphism and dynamometamorphism in the late stage.
11.From 2003 to 2004, we collected a large amount of Nautiloid and Graptolite fossils in upper metamorphic formations of Mayigangri area and determined the age to be middle and Late Ordovician-Silurian.