1.This is subeconomic mineralization related to minor dyke swarms.
2.The deposit was produced by superimposition of the hot-water sedimentary mineralization and magmatic hydatogenesis.
3.The wallrock alterations of gold mineralization include silicification,pyritization,sericitization,potassic alteration,chloritization and carbonitization.
4.This paper reviews the literature on the potential of detoxification, transformation and mineralization of nitroaromatic and azo compounds under anaerobic conditions.
5.A tectno-magmatic province in relationship with the Dalimu and Sino-Korean paraplatforms defines two giant hyperalkaline to alkaline to carbonate mineralization belts.
6.By using the approach of morphostructure and tectonic chronology analysis, neotectonic activity evidences and characteristics as well as its ralation to uranium mineralization were researched.
7.Dentin matrix protein 1 (DMP1) is expressed in both pulp and odontoblast cells and deletion of the Dmp1 gene leads to defects in odontogenesis and mineralization.
8.In the ductile shear belt,the alteration and zonation of tectonite and wall rock are obviously,and miliolite belt,quartz,iron pyrite,ankerite alteration belt and gold mineralization belt are trinity.