3.Religious minorities were allowed a wide measure of toleration.
4.Undertreatment was particularly prominent among minority and socioeconomically disadvantaged groups.
5.To icalizc minority shareholders?rights and interests lutist have systems to guarantee.
6.V only used to transliterate loan word, minority language and localism.
7.A minority of children are sexually active before they are in their teens.
8.A lot of national parks lie in the areas inhabited by minority nationality people.
9.A university education shouldn't be the monopoly of the minority whose parents are rich.
10.I'm in a minority of one.
11.Prompt the general public of the existence of minorities. Foment the expressing channels of marginated groups.
12.The problem of validity when tests are used in minority groups or for the educationally-mentally retarded.
13.Ethnic minorities are more prone to unemployment. Further, this disadvantage extends to other areas of life.
14.Those who protested against the president's decision were actually barking at the moon, since they were in a powerless minority.
由于他们属于软弱无力, 他们反对总统决定实际上枉费唇舌。
15.Most of the people in the world are salariat,and the millionaires are minority after all,then how can the salariat driver the luxury roadster in a short time?
16.However, a minority partially assume a gender that contradicts their physical sex ( transvestism ), and for an even smaller minority such an inversion is complete ( transsexualism ).
17.Take Bharti Airtel, an Indian telecoms giant, which last year spun off a $1 billion minority stake in its network-infrastructure business, Bharti Infratel, to a group of investment funds.