1.Our English course is divided into modules on poetry, drama, and novels.
2.AVD Graphic Studio comes with four modules – MultiPage, Video, Animation and Batch Processing.
3.TravelMind is an Open Source module which allows to calculate kilometric refunds for an employee.
4.The EA Series offer advanced circuitry design, low profile chassis removable channel modules and true dual monaural configuration.
5.The asynchrony FIFO module can be applied in the other asynchrony interface circuit design in multi-clock system.
6.The Apollo 9 Command module was called Gumdrop, on account of the blue cellophane wrapping in which the craft was delivered.
7.This article introduced the connecting manner and connecting standard in the network cabling of twisted-pair, moduling information outlet and moduling connector plugs.
8.While one of the astronauts went round the moon in the command module, the other went down to the surface in the lunar module.
当其中一名宇航员在指挥舱中球飞行时, 另一名宇航员在登舱中降落到球表面。
9.During design and fabrication of offshore platform module, the shrink of wilding seam often causes interbedded crack on the main padeye plate and the column.
10.Focus on design and implementation of K-Means-based anomaly detection algorithm engine and cluster analysis module, as well as the Apriori algorithm based on correlation analyzer.
11.Especially for the transmitting array, this novel method gives the advantages of reducing the varieties of modules and devisal costs, and is suitable for engineering application.
12.Based on the characteristic of puring aluminium ladle's suctorial aluminium tube and cleaning unit, this paper introduced to cleaning method of new module suctorial aluminium tube.
13.Based on previous research on geostatistical data interpolation,this paper demonstrates how to use Kriging to design and implement a module to sequence and spatialize data of monitoring station.
14.The data compilation module functioned as a “dog-keeper” to prevent the system out of operation on any harsh or noisy condition, which greatly promote the veniality of the system.
15.Easy to fix for the lamp house: the shape of the module set is flexional linearity and strip, any shape of letters can be easy and fast installed, and may save more time and labour.